Project Description
“A proposal to culminate personal electronic assistive devices and resolve it with Community based-infrastructure”
We are team ATMA, and we’ve banded together from Design Factory Melbourne; powered by IdeaSquare at CERN and the UN 2030 sustainable goals. Our purpose is to support responsible consumption and production issues within an Australian context.
We have specifically targeted e-waste (electronic waste) as our key consumption and production foci and identified major social, environmental and health issues.
These include the import and export of current e-waste, the environments, and communities these e-wastes affect, businesses fueling planned obsolescence, as well as repercussions of materiality and content consumption, specifically from media technologies and personal electronic assistive devices.
Based on these findings we suggest a proposal to culminate personal electronic assistive devices and resolve it with Community based-infrastructure that replaces personal computing devices with access to a data and computing network. It utilizes AR as the form of dominant media consumption and aims to fuse digital and physical worlds to further support the interaction of physical world elements, all through a new lens.
This is powered by the integration of CERN technology, that can catalyze the change required to support responsible production and consumption, as well as mass behavioral and cultural change over a 3 step plan that focuses on solution implementation from 2020, 2025 and 2030; in accordance with the UN sustainability framework.