Project Description
“This will eliminate the amount of waste hospitals are placing into our landfills “
What Dasein proposes as a radical conceptual solution for the year 2030 is the elimination of food wastage in hospitals entirely. This will eliminate the amount of waste hospitals are placing into our landfills and a more effective and efficient way to feed the patients, mitigating malnourishment in hospitals.
Our Solution consists of a holistic system that caters for both those that can orally consume food, and for those that cannot.
As this solution is designed with the year 2030 in mind, obviously we assume that with the current trends in technology today, 2018, these solutions could be probable. The ultimate goal of our research and outcomes are to inspire the growth in importance of sustainable practices and living with a new and fresh perspective that could motivate change.
Thank you to everyone that was involved in the evolution of Dasein’s concept. It could not have been done without your effort, lending us your time, feedback and encouragement.
This is our solution, Metaphor.